Woman Magazine recently featured the story of 37 year old herniated disc sufferer, Sarah Phelan who finally found relief from pain with IDD Therapy spinal decompression.
For two years, Sarah suffered with debilitating back pain and grinding sciatica in her leg which left her totally dependent on her partner and her parents. She says:
“I couldn’t see a future without the pain and I was feeling heartbroken – I’d gone from being a very happy and active mum, doing lots of outdoor activities with my children…to a fragile and miserable shell of a person who was reliant upon everyone around me for help with the smallest of tasks.”
It transpired that Sarah had a herniateddisc in her lower back which was putting pressure on nerves in her spine, causing her back pain and sciatica. She finally found relief with IDD Therapy at The Ashleigh Clinic, Leiceister and is now enjoying a normal family life again.
“I finished my treatment programme a couple of months ago and I’m feeling fantastic: my pain has drastically reduced and I’m able to walk, drive and sleep properly. It’s really not an exaggeration to say that IDD Therapy has changed my life completely.”
The Ashleigh Clinic is part of the UK network of IDD Therapy Spine Centres. Treatment outcomes are impressive – clinicians in the network report significant improvement in 70-90% of patients.
Clinic Director and Craig Mortimer says:
Clinic Director and Craig Mortimer says:
“It’s wonderful to see patients like Sarah making such an excellent improvement with IDD Therapy and getting their lives back to normal. IDD is our first-choice treatment for herniated discs and sciatica – it’s an invaluable treatment tool to have within our back pain services.”
To read or watch more IDD Therapy patient and clinician testimonials click here