Clinician Testimonials Vanessa Robinson with her Accu SPINA“There are some patients who just need something more for their pain. IDD Therapy fits the principles of Osteopathy by helping the body the body to heal itself. The Accu SPINA machine we have gives our clinic far greater scope to do more for patients who previously we wouldn’t have been able to help.” Physiotherapist Jo Briddon from Derbyshire describes what IDD Therapy has done for her patients and how the success has doubled her practice. The London Spine Clinic’s Nigel Gildersleve talks about how IDD Therapy helped him to put his socks on for the first time in years after just one treatment. Berkhamsted Osteopath’s Tim Hanwell is a big fan of IDD Therapy. Having undergone spinal injections and being told by his consultant that surgery was the next step, Tim researched and found IDD Therapy. Hear Tim talk about why he uses IDD Therapy and how it helped him. —————————————- “The mechanisms of IDD Therapy share many of the same objectives of osteopathy, including joint articulation and mobilisation. Whilst IDD Therapy does not replicate what I can do with manual therapy techniques, neither can I replicate with my hands what the mechanical application of IDD Therapy can achieve. IDD Therapy simply gives us a tool to help achieve more for our patients. IDD Therapy is an exciting development in spine care. It gives my team and I a treatment tool which offers greater treatment capabilities for patients with disc problems in particular, without resorting to invasive treatments.” —————————————- Dan Smith has been provideing IDD Therapy for many years, here he explains who it is for and why he uses it —————————————- “I am passionate about osteopathy and IDD fits with my overall philosophy of how I want to treat my patients. When I first heard about IDD, the treatment held appeal because of some of the work I have done with horses where a degree of controlled physicality needed to help with spine issues. Since starting, we have seen some excellent improvements in both pain and mobility of patients who we would usually consider referring elsewhere.” —————————————- We are seeing more and more patients at the clinic with back pain and sciatica. Most respond well to manual therapy and exercise but it has been frustrating not to have been able to help certain patients with longer term issues, particularly disc-related conditions. Having used traction in my career over the years, the IDD Therapy spinal decompression gives us a far more precise, yet powerful tool to treat targeted spinal segments in a way which manual therapy cannot replicate. The IDD Therapy programme gives patients a real opportunity to resolve their back and neck problems, before they get to a stage of considering injections or surgery. —————————————- We have spent our careers treating backs. With so many problems originating from the compression and progressive immobility of the intervertebral discs and spinal segment, IDD Therapy gives us the ability to provide a targeted treatment whose primary goal is to decompress the injured disc. This is great news for us and more importantly our patients. I remember the old traction beds with a degree of horror, IDD Therapy addresses the failings of traction. When treating difficult conditions like chronic herniated discs and/or sciatica, IDD Therapy treatment tool is now our number one treatment of choice to get patients out of pain and back to normal activities. —————————————- In my 27 years as an osteopath I have always been interested in treating complex conditions – and back pain often presents me with the most challenging cases. In the past sometimes we have needed to refer patients with ‘difficult’ back problems such as chronic herniated or ‘slipped’ discs for invasive treatments. The IDD Therapy programme gives us a very sophisticated, non-invasive option which enables us to do more for disc patients without the need for injections or surgery. —————————————- As a specialist musculoskeletal team, we use integrated techniques including chiropractic and other physical therapies to treat difficult spinal problems. However, when it comes to disc problems and related conditions including nerve pain, there is a group of patients who sometimes need something more than we can offer with manual treatment. We recommend the IDD Therapy treatment programme because it gives our patients an opportunity to resolve their back or neck pain without resorting to invasive procedures such as injections or surgery. —————————————- We can help most people with back pain, neck pain and sciatica by using hands-on techniques combined with correction of posture, movement faults and core stability; however some patients need something a little extra to help them feel better. With IDD Therapy, we can now target spinal segments precisely in a safe, gentle manner in a way which is not possible with our hands or with traditional mechanical treatments. —————————————- Whilst we can get most of our patients back on their feet with manual therapy, exercise, clinical pilates, accupuncture etc, there is a group who need something more to take pressure off their discs. IDD Therapy spinal decompression helps fill a void. There are such good results at IDD Therapy clinics and having had treatment myself, we have a treatment tool which offers non-invasive solutions for patients who need something more for their pain. We feel we have something to offer all patients before they make a step towards invasive treatments such as injections and surgery. —————————————- My original interest in IDD Therapy came about through frustration with some types of prolapsed disc which would not respond to normal physiotherapy and manipulative treatment. No matter what you tried they just did not respond. Many of these patients had to be referred on for surgery and I began to wonder if this was the case in other countries. After seeing the SPINA machine up close I decided to buy one. We find it most helpful for the prolapsed disc cases which have not responded to a range of treatments and where surgery might be the usual next step. Patients enjoy it; because it’s computer-controlled, it’s a very gentle, even pull. As the treatment programme progresses we introduce core stability exercises as this is important for pain relief in the long-term. We bought a second Accu Spina machine –I guess you don’t buy a second one if you don’t think the first one is doing its job. —————————————- IDD Therapy is able to do so much more for my chronic back and neck pain patients as it targets specific spinal segments where discs are herniated (‘slipped’) – in a manner not possible with manual therapy and exercise or traditional traction. In the past, this type of chronic back pain patient would probably resort to invasive procedures – even surgery in some cases. Now, IDD Therapy is there as an effective non-invasive option for them. —————————————- I began hearing about IDD Therapy in 2008. I researched the treatment, speaking to other clinicians about their experiences and I tried the treatment for myself; I could really feel the differences which I’d heard and read about. I decided to introduce the treatment at one of my clinics in April 2011. In the last year the clinic has treated over a hundred patients with IDD Therapy. These have tended to be patients with herniated or prolapsed discs whose symptoms of chronic back pain, neck pain and sciatica had prevailed despite standard manual treatments. The clinical outcomes have been impressive: 70% of these patients have made good to excellent improvement. When patients first come to me, some are in so much pain that they are physically and emotionally exhausted and fearful of making the slightest movement. Since introducing IDD we have been able to treat several lumbar-surgery candidates; I know of patients who have been booked in for an operation and have tried IDD as a last resort and are now pain-free and active again. —————————————- I was first introduced to IDD Therapy by a female patient of mine who presented to me with three bulging discs in her neck, radiations into her arms, severe back pain and weakness in the hands. In the 20 years since her symptoms had first started she had tried many forms of conservative treatment without success. Osteopathy had helped her a little but in her desperation she decided to fly to the US to receive a course of IDD Therapy with a chiropractor. The results were spectacular: her pain was 90% better and she started to live her life again. She came back to me demanding that I buy a machine! I distinctly remember the feel of her muscles before the IDD; they were tight and knotty from the top of her back to her neck. The change was dramatic: her muscles were now soft, healthy and yielding. Best of all, she was pain-free and able to enjoy a normal life after being in pain for 20 years! Overall my sense is that, combined with good osteopathic and rehab treatments, the results with IDD have been better than good. I would say more than 75% of all cases have shown moderate to dramatic improvement. It is good to be able to offer patients a genuine alternative and the technology fits nicely into an osteopathic model. I am still very impressed and excited by the technology. —————————————- We started providing IDD Therapy in Autumn 2010 and since then we’ve successfully treated patients with disc related problems, gaining results both quickly (within six weeks) and without the need for invasive procedures. Without doubt, the outcomes we’ve seen with IDD Therapy could not be achieved with standard non-invasive treatments and in some cases we know we’ve helped patients avoid surgery. IDD isn’t a cure-all but for many back pain sufferers it’s a revelation, allowing them to finally return to a normal, active life. —————————————- For some time I’d been looking into IDD Therapy for my patients with disc problems and related conditions such as sciatica. I’d seen the technology at other clinics. I travelled to IDD providers across the UK, watching practitioners administer the treatment and hearing about the exceptional outcomes they had achieved. I came to the conclusion that IDD was something I wanted to be able to offer my patients. For anyone suffering with a disc-related problem which doesn’t require immediate surgical intervention, the IDD Therapy treatment programme is definitely something worth considering. —————————————- One of our first IDD patients hadn’t slept for three months with back pain from a prolapsed disc. He wasn’t getting better with osteopathy but had positive results with IDD and is now back cycling and very fit again. It has been very good for us – to be able to help those very difficult patients who otherwise you would have to turn away has been brilliant. —————————————- For those patients with a confirmed prolapsed disc, IDD is a very positive and proactive treatment which can be added to the treatment equation. We view treatment as a structured programme in which IDD plays a very big part and it’s really taught us how to manage the prolapsed disc much more effectively. It’s an intensive programme; we get to know the patients really well and can address their concerns from the start – for most, their biggest worry is that they are actually afraid to move. We encourage them to focus on the reality of not only getting pain under control but also restoring function and getting back to their normal daily activity. We have found that overall between 70 and 80% of patients will have an 85% improvement in their symptoms with IDD Therapy. IDD is a very useful treatment tool for clinicians who see a lot of disc disease; a very good, safe treatment option for those difficult prolapsed discs which most clinics must be finding hard to treat. —————————————- As skilled clinicians, we can treat most back and neck pain with manual therapies but for some conditions – particularly those which are disc-related – our patients need something more to help their condition improve. IDD Therapy provides a safe, non-invasive alternative to surgery or spinal injections. —————————————- IDD Therapy expands our options for patients with the most difficult back pain and neck pain conditions, which have not responded to standard manual therapy and exercise techniques. As osteopaths we work with our hands primarily to assist the body so that the natural healing mechanisms can operate efficiently. As a mechanical treatment tool, IDD Therapy helps us do more to treat difficult disc problems in a way that is not possible with our hands alone, all in keeping with our philosophy of supporting the body’s natural self-healing mechanisms. —————————————- |