Herniated Disc Treatment Helping Back Pain Sufferers in Croydon and Greater London – IDD Therapy

A leading osteopathic clinic in Croydon has been providing a new treatment for back pain and neck pain since the summer of 2013.
IDD Therapy is the non-surgical spinal decompression treatment which provides a targeted treatment to help unresolved conditions, notably where there is a disc-related condition such as a herniated disc (commonly referred to as a ‘slipped disc’) and sciatica. 

How do herniated discs occur and what are the best treatment options?

“Ouch….I’ve slipped a disc!” 

Low back pain affects over 80% of the population at some point in their lives and it’s the second most popular reason for visiting the GP after the common cold. It comes in many guises but a herniated or ‘slipped’ disc is one of the easiest things to succumb to and is one of the most difficult types of back pain to relieve. 

A Clinician’s Experience with IDD Therapy Spinal Decompression for Low Back Pain and Neck Pain

Osteopath Robert Shanks is the co-founding Clinical Director of Spine Plus, a group of multi-disciplinary back pain clinics based in London and Essex. He trained with The British Medical Acupuncture Society and is also a qualified electrotherapist.

Robert’s area of special interest is chronic low back pain and neck pain associated with bulging or herniated discs.

Coventry Physiotherapy Clinic Makes Herniated Disc Treatment Available To Back Pain Sufferers

The physiotherapy department at BMI The Meriden Hospital in Coventry now offers IDD Therapy non-surgical spinal decompression to people with chronic back pain, neck pain and related conditions including sciatica.

BMI has a well earned reputation and the investment in non-surgical treatment options for back pain demonstrates a commitment to providing the best non-invasive solution opportunities for their patients.