IDD Therapy is a treatment tool used by medical practitioners from a variety of professions as part of a programme of care.
Therefore private medical insurance companies have reimbursed IDD Therapy within the insurance coverage allowances for physical therapy. To illustrate this, if a physiotherapist or other practitioner uses ultrasound, a swiss ball, treadmill or any other piece of equipment, it comes under “physiotherapy”. If a clinic uses IDD Therapy, it forms part of physical therapy.
Now and in recognition of the success of IDD Therapy for the treatment of back pain and neck pain, Aviva Health Insurance provides reimbursement of IDD Therapy in its own right. Providing 10 sessions and in some cases up to 20 sessions depending on the individual condition.
Insurance companies can be reluctant to sanction the coverage of treatments, because there are so many new treatments. When it comes to IDD Therapy disc treatment, there are significant cost benefits to sanctioning a non-invasive disc treatment which offers success rates of at least 70%.
All the more so when the alternatives for patient are more expensive, invasive and do not necessarily address the underlying causes of many disc issues (including disc compression and lack of mobility in the vertebral segment).
At the time of writing, certain other insurance companies are considering paying for IDD Therapy as a modality in its own right and the long term goal for the treatment is recognition by NICE and availability on the NHS.
About: Aviva Insurance has over 31 million customers worldwide and is a leading provider of health insurance. For more details about Avivia Health Insurance visit
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