Wealden Osteopaths & Spine Centre – Back Pain Success Story

James Pickering is the Clinical Director at Wealden Osteopaths & Spine Centre in Goudhurst, Kent.  He has been providing IDD Therapy at his clinic for two years and seen some inspiring success stories.

Here is a recent recording of one of his patients, who had been unable to work due to back pain and sciatica, reporting on his treatment and how he was back at work in his second week of IDD Therapy.

When talking about back pain, there is the physical pain and discomfort, but it is the effect on people’s lives which is often the most damaging.  The difference between someone being able to work or not is huge, not just for the person with the pain, but for family, fiends and work colleagues.

That is why the practitioners are so passionate about IDD Therapy.  When people think that there are no more option once hands on treatments do not achieve the desired outcome, it is not the end of the road.

James Pickering, Wealden Osteopaths & Spine Centre

IDD Therapy changes people’s lives and the practitioners who provide treatment are making a huge impact on their community.  We can consider how each person who is helped back to work with IDD Therapy means that there is one less person in the primary care system.  That means easing pressure on GPs, Pain Clinics and Surgeons.  That has to be beneficial for everyone.

Well done to James and the team.

Here are the contact details for the clinic which is located 10 miles from Tunbridge Wells:Tel: 01580 212833

To find your nearest IDD Therapy provider, use our clinic finder if you are in the UK, or message us via the Contact Us page.

About the Author:Stephen Small